Virginia Beach Property Rental Registration Made Easy
Virginia Beach requires that only short-term rental properties be registered with the city. Registering a rental property includes obtaining a rental permit and passing an inspection to ensure that the property meets city code requirements.To complete rental registration in Virginia Beach, landlords must follow these steps:Obtain a rental permit application from the Department of Housing and Neighborhood Preservation or download it from the city’s website.
Fill out the rental permit application completely and accurately, including providing the names and addresses of all tenants.
Submit the completed rental permit application along with the required fee to the Department of Housing and Neighborhood Preservation.
Schedule and pass an inspection of the rental property to ensure that it meets all city code requirements.
Once the inspection is passed and the application is approved, the property owner will receive a rental permit. The permit should be posted in a visible location on the property.
Renew the rental permit annually, and schedule and pass an inspection every three years or whenever tenants change. It’s recommended to check in with the Department of Housing and Neighborhood Preservation or the city’s website for any recent changes or updates on the process and requirements, as they might change over time.