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management in Phoenix

Trust the professionals at Home365 to streamline your property management in Phoenix.

Our Property Management Services in Phoenix

We'll find the right price point for your location using our local knowledge. Our experts will analyze more than 40 data points, including age, size, and location, to develop a realistic figure that makes sense for your property.

Property Management in Phoenix is all about being proactive. We'll stay on top of your property's condition using our preventive inspection system. This technology allows our team to pinpoint issues before they become costly problems.

Your tenants will interact directly with our cutting-edge Home365 property managers, freeing up your time to grow your portfolio. We take care of their full-scale needs, from helping them move in to collecting rent each month. You can rest easy knowing your renters' needs are fulfilled.

Property management in Phoenix with us takes the financial burden off your shoulders. Our experts satisfy all your financial needs, giving you detailed oversight into all the essential facts and figures through our 24/7 Owner Portal.

Our team will take care of all your tenants' maintenance concerns and repair needs. After receiving service requests through the tenant portal, our team will work to find contractors and schedule appointments.

Home365 will handle all your marketing and listing efforts and fill your properties quickly. We'll create the promotional items and place them in visible areas to find the renters you need.

We conduct exhaustive tenant screenings to find the perfect renters for your property in Phoenix. We'll look at their background, rental history, and credit scores to better protect your location from late payments and expensive eviction procedures.

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We strive to simplify your property management process.

Why Home365 is the Perfect Choice for Property Management in Phoenix

We’ve created our OneRate plan to guarantee 12 months of full rent every year, no matter what happens.

We have a long track record of managing properties in Phoenix and will utilize our local insight to drive success across your locations.

You’ll have around-the-clock access to our live customer portal to remain informed of your property’s history, financials, status, and more.


Plus symbol pink icon
Total housing units

With a growing population, housing units will need to increase


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Median house value

Phoenix real estate is still relatively affordable for investors and homebuyers compared to other West Coast cities, with an average home price of $442,000 based on 1,608 homes sold


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Rental percentage

Close to half of Phoenix residents rent over owning, making Home365 a high need out of the property management companies Phoenix.

Man and woman property managers shaking hands with property investor

Next level Phoenix property management with Home365

Property management in Phoenix with the Home365 team by your side allows you to make the most of Phoenix's growing rental market. Our team has years of experience providing a broad spectrum of property management services, allowing real estate investors to focus on expanding their portfolios across the region and beyond. Home365 is committed to supplying honest and transparent solutions you can trust.

Where to find us

Home365 Phoenix

Main office phone: (800) 837-0037
410 N Scottsdale Road, Suite 1000, Tempe, AZ 85288

In person appointments available by request

The Home365
Owner Portal

Your Free, All-in-One Tool for Streamlined and Transparent Property Management. The Owner Portal saves you time and gives you peace of mind. Manage your single-family rentals easily with everything organized and accessible. Plus, it's free!

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