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How to Approach a Pest Problem


A pest problem is a property manager’s worst nightmare. Not only are pests unsanitary, annoying, and scary, they can cause health and safety problems for your tenants, and in some cases, make your property uninhabitable. If you’re looking for new tenants, news of a pest problem can scar your property’s reputation.


To keep a pest problem contained, you need to respond to pest complaints in a timely, efficient, and empathetic manner. By staying calm, listening to your tenants, and delivering results quickly, you can squish out a pest problem in just a matter of days.


Stay Calm

Make sure to stay calm when you receive a pest complaint. A pest issue is serious and scary, but it is solvable with proper action and follow-up. Do not blame the tenant or accuse him or her of lying; this will only lead to further issues.


Tell the tenant you believe him or her, and you want to help. Speak calmly and apologize for the pest issue. Assure the tenant you will contact an exterminator once you’ve received all the necessary information about the pest.


Collect All Important Information

After receiving a pest complaint, sit down with the tenant and collect all the information you can about the situation. This information will come in handy when you schedule an appointment with a pest control service.


Ask the tenant what type of pest they’ve seen, how many, and the severity of the issue. Ask him or her when and where the pest was seen. You may need to contact other tenants to see if they have noticed a pest problem.


Send Out a Thoughtful, Action-Oriented Response

If only one tenant has come forward about an issue, you may want to contact other tenants to see if they’ve seen pests. If the pest problem is widespread, affecting multiple tenants, or involves a serious pest such as rats, mice, and cockroaches, you will need to deliver a property-wide response.


This response should be thoughtful, empathetic, and contain:

  1. A clear explanation of the problem (when, where, what, and how many)
  2. A recognition of the issue by the property
  3. An assurance that the property is contacting an exterminator
  4. Contact information to report a pest


Follow Up Quickly

It is important to respond and follow up quickly when you receive a pest complaint from your tenant. Deliver your thoughtful, action-oriented response as soon as you receive a pest complaint. Reassure your tenant that you will contact a pest control service immediately – and keep that promise. The tenant shouldn’t have to remind you to call the exterminator.


It can be difficult to manage all your tenants’ complaints in one place. A disorganized property management system can lead to a complaint follow-up accidentally falling through the cracks, leaving unhappy tenants and a tarnished reputation – especially when it comes to pest problems.


Home365’s property management software allows tenants to submit maintenance complaints using a simple, easy-to-use app. The platform connects tenants with a network of trusted contractors to schedule a repair appointment quickly and efficiently, providing peace of mind to tenants and landlords.


To learn more about the Home365 platform, contact us today.

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