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Spring Cleaning and Property Maintenance


This year winter weather has been a bit extreme in the United States.  Be it the arctic freeze in Chicago or the rare snow in the suburbs of  Los Angeles. But cheer up! Spring is almost here and so are warmer days. The official first day of Spring 2019  is on Wednesday, March 20.  But you may wonder what does spring cleaning consist of? Here is a list of things that we have compiled, most of it is DIY but for some, you may need professional help.


Grime it away!  

Grime in the bathrooms and kitchen surfaces can be stubborn and needs to be handled. There are tons of products available that are effective in removing grime.  


Scrub out the Grout 

Grout is the cement type material that is extremely porous and stains easily. You can find it in between the wall, floor, and countertop tiles. You can use homemade grout removing products like vinegar and baking soda or you can go with a penetrating grout sealer like oxygen bleach.


Zoom up the dust 

Carpets and rugs must be deep-cleaned to keep the home clear of various allergens and bacteria. Commercial grade vacuums are available to rent at various home improvement stores. Carpet cleaning can be either entrusted to the professional or can be a DIY. 


Check those batteries 

All the batteries in sensors such as smoke detectors, carbon monoxide detectors units, must be changes. Also, change the air/furnace filter to keep it dust free.


Suds on the Window

To enjoy the warm sunshine inside the home, window washing must be done.  Just plain old warm water with a mild dishwashing liquid to scrub is all you need.


Spring cleaning is an important aspect of property maintenance and shouldn’t be neglected for the better health of the property.

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